Monday 27 May 2019

On a good day.

I wanted to share a dream I had a few months ago. It pops into my mind every so often- I think at times when I really need the reminder or when I think it's a message that other people might need. I really believe in the intuitive nature dreams have and they hold a special place in my culture for many wonderful reasons. I think they are sometime sign post for when you're having trouble finding your way or offer a creative canvas to help you work out your thoughts. Either way they have helped and directed me through many challenges I've encountered. I’ve shared this with a few people but thought I would share it with my cyber community....
My dream started with my hiking along this ridge up on this very large hill with a sharp cliff to the side. Rolling hills and dense forest made up the scenery below that sprawled onto the horizon. As I was approaching the crest of this hill, I could see silhouette of people sitting around a small table-hearing laughter and chatter. As I got closer I saw my two very familiar people became clearer. Two of my great uncles whom have been gone for some time- Eugene and Luke. I was filled with happiness as these two hold many fond memories as far back as I can remember. As I made my way to them, I greeted them with “how the heck are you guys! What are you two fellas doing way up here!” They pointed to the table- a card game in full swing.” I sat down and we talked about all the things we could talk. My family, the Reserve, moving home- all the things that have been happening. Our conversation lead to my new work in the community, and all the self reflecting questions an elder could ask, were asked. The kind where you rethink your answers cause you know they already know the answer, so there is no hiding the truth. So as hard or uncomfortable the truth is to think and feel, you have to say it. After sometime Eugene looked at Luke and back to me and said (and this is the clearest any message, I think could ever get):

“ok kid, look at it this way- on a good day, you have 89 years and you already spent 31. Do you think you can do what your supposed to do between now and then?”

I sat quite and stunned. I have always worked best with a plan. Knowing what steps to make next. Working from where you want to be and working back from then. It wasn't until this concept was posed to me that, I was missing a large part of the understanding. That we are not guaranteed time to finish. We have to do with what we have for as long as we have it. In this ceremony of life we don't have time to plan our life away. Even now as I type this explanation, I am hit with another revelation (another story, another time). After what seemed to be several minutes and I suppose what these two uncles though was enough time to marinate this thought, they got up- gave some short ‘see ya laters’ and walked away. So I share this dream very shyly as it is very close to my heart , because in today’s time I find it easy to question and doubt myself, forget what purpose is or how to find it. And think the world sometimes does too. But realizing that when we feel that spark our spirit is moved-it’s a sign we’re on the right path. And it doesn't always make you spark in a feel good way. It can be a spark that ignites fear and make you question but you come out with clarity, We all have weaknesses. We all make mistakes but it can't take us from our purpose. We need to me make each day count because we are never promised tomorrow.

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